Materials Journals

Journal Showcase

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures: Taylor & Francis

The central aim of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures is to promote the dissemination of significant developments and publish state-of-the-art reviews and technical discussions of previously published papers dealing with mechanics aspects of advanced materials and structures.

Journal of Composite Materials

Consistently ranked in the top 10 of the Thomson Scientific JCR, the Journal of Composite Materials publishes peer reviewed, original research papers from internationally renowned composite materials specialists from industry, universities and research organizations, featuring new advances in materials, processing, design, analysis, testing, performance and applications.

Materials World

Materials World is the leading European publication specifically devoted to the engineering materials cycle, from mining and extraction, through processing and application, to recycling and recovery.

Nano Today: Elsevier

Nano Today is the international magazine for researchers with interests across the whole of nanoscience and technology and is now covered by Thomson Scientific. Through its unique mixture of peer-reviewed articles, the latest research news, and information on key developments, Nano Today provides comprehensive coverage.

Progress in Polymer Science: Elsevier

Progress in Polymer Science publishes state-of-the-art overview articles by internationally recognized authorities in polymer science and engineering, one of the fastest growing disciplines. The journal provides a link between original articles, innovations published in patents, and the up-to-date knowledge of technology.